Wedding Teasers

This section is designed to give you all a little peek at what lies ahead….


The Wedding and Reception are being held outside in a park close to our home in North Bend.  The site was an easy choice.  The park is quite natural but elegant in the way nature is when mostly left to its own devices.  During the day you will find children playing, families bonding, and dreamers dreaming.  At night the park belongs to the wildlife.  The frogs are singing, raccoons are foraging, and the deer are doing their best to eat everything the gardener has planted and tended.  There isn’t a finer place to exchange our vows and celebrate with our loved ones.


What to wear?  Heck, whatever you want.  This is the Northwest, it might be cloudy or sunny so layering will be a good idea. This Celebration will be a combination of elegant beauty and down to earth fun.  Whatever makes you comfortable and happy is what we hope to see you show up wearing.


There is no one “theme” for our Wedding, but many parts of “ourselves” that have been incorporated into the planning for this joyous celebration of togetherness.  From the invitations you have probably already noticed our interest in our Celtic history.  One of the most wonderful things the ancient Celts brought to us is the Celtic knot.  It has no beginning and no end, it is a beautiful example of life and love.  Nature also plays a strong part in this special event.  Each Bridesmaids dress is different and each dress represents a different Earth element.  The elements that will be represented are: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.  See if you can tell which dress, and likewise, which Bridesmaid, personifies each element.


At the reception supper you will all have the chance to meet “the Man”.  This is a true test of courage and strength that always brings great amusement to those that are willing to put themselves to the test.  There are bumper stickers on cars from coast to coast that proudly exclaim: I met “the Man”!


We have chosen several Washington wines and microbrews that should delight the senses.  And of course there will also be some great non-alcoholic punches that have been selected from Food Writers Favorites, Safe Party Planning Beverages recipe book.  It’s a great book that has an excerpt with each recipe, so good in fact that Diane actually read the whole thing!  Now how often do you find a cookbook you actually read cover to cover?


Do ya’ wanna dance???  O.K., we’ll warn you ahead of time, neither one of us can dance.  But that’s not going to stop us from trying.  Practice “the Twist”, a Frisinger Family favorite.  Pretend you’re Ginger and Fred.  Rock and Roll.  Stomp around to the Pipes.  Sit back, watch, and laugh.  Whichever you choose don’t just listen to the music, feel it!


All a bit hard to imagine isn’t it? 




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Page Updated 10/30/00