A Christmas Message from Bill and
Ava Frisinger December 1999
The subject of barricades brings up the WTO conference in Seattle. We thought Seattle was getting a lot of press with Microsoft and Boeing but the WTO put the other coverage to shame. Even Issaquah got into the act sending nine officers to help with security for the President when he came. They were on duty for 12 hours starting at midnight. Not wanting to lose my credentials as a liberal, I marched Monday night with a large group from the Church Council of Washington. It was in support of the 2000 Year of Jubilee, the forgiveness of debt to the poorest of the 3rd world countries. Grand children are of course a central
part of our lives. For reasons that
I have still not figured out, Amber trusted me to take Joshua to the Museum of
Flight by my self. Getting him out
of their hair was no doubt a factor, Kaleigh was going to a concert with Rob.
This summer
we attended my nephew Arthur Salomon’s wedding in the San Francisco area.
We took a week to drive down visiting numerous friends and relatives on
the way. It was a great wedding and
offered a great excuse to visit people we had not seen in years. Weddings brings to mind the next for my family. Diane and Scott Lindstrand are planning on getting married next summer. Stay tuned for details or better yet, pester her. She now has an e-mail address, http://home.earthlink.net/~mrandmrsstuck/ Ava is
continuing to enjoy being Mayor. She
is kept busy with a huge number of meetings both inside and outside the city.
She serves on three committees working endangered species
problems. The Riparian
Habitat (Streamside) restoration committee, the Sammamish Watershed Forum, WRIA8
Steering Committee for Early Recovery Programs, the Draft Interlocal
Subcommittee for Tri-county Salmon Recovery Efforts.
This is in addition to 3 different human services committees and The
Seattle King County Board of Public Health.
Two critical City Council races went her way this year so it should be a
better working relationship the next two years. My favorite
book of the year was Birdsong by Sebastion Faulks, it was Ava’s from last
year. Ava’s favorite this year is
Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt. I
have not read that one yet so it may turn out to be mine for next year. I can be
reached all year at my work e:mail, william.n.frisinger@boeing.com,
Ava will be checking our home e-mail, frisinger@csi.com
There is not
much new on our web site but I hope to get it completely revamped next spring
when I am stuck in California. In
theory we will not be working massive overtime although we have heard that story
before. Our web site is at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/frisinger/
Rev 6/16/02 |