A Christmas Message from Bill and Ava Frisinger, December 2004 The big news this year is that our daughter, Diane, is pregnant. The newest member of our family is due around Valentines day. This will be Diane and Scott's first so it is a very exciting time for them. Ava, Diane, and Scott go on shopping excursions regularly to pick up baby items. Anything that is at all major gets thorough research by Scott, so the very best can be purchased. The year started off with an exciting event that started off slowly with Rob warning us he would call us up early the next morning to see what the weather was like in Issaquah. Snow was forecast and if it arrived, he would have a day off. Sure enough, we were wakened by a call from Rob. However, it was not a call at 6 AM asking about the weather but a call at 1 AM asking us to come to the hospital in Ellensburg, about 90 miles east of here over Snoqualmie pass. Amber had some kind of heart problem and Rob wanted us to pick up the kids and take them back to their home. An ambulance had come to Easton to pick up Amber and take her to the hospital. Rob explained that he did not know where the hospital was. They said, "no problem, just follow us", then promptly took off down the snow swept, deserted freeway at about 90 miles per hour with Rob in hot pursuit in his pickup with two kids on board. By the time Ava and I got to the hospital, Amber was resting fine Shortly thereafter, the full force of the storm hit and the pass was closed. Rob and Amber live close enough to the pass that when it's closed you can not get to their house from either direction. I had three days alone with the kids. Temperatures went down to about 15 below zero which is very cold for this part of the country, even in the mountains. Keeping the animals' water from freezing was a substantial chore. We survived fine and the kids enjoyed their vacation from school work About the time the pass opened, Amber was released from the hospital and we all got back to our respective homes. We still have not totally figured out what Amber had but the doctors are making some progress in figuring it out.
Ava's term as mayor is up the end of 2005 and everyone is asking if she will run again. She is leaning strongly towards doing that but has not formally announced yet
I am still doing my weekly hikes or cross country ski outings depending on the season. We typically cover about 10 miles with about 2000 feet vertical. This picture was taken this fall near Snoqualmie Pass about 40 miles east of where we live. Chair Peak is in the background.
May God’s Love be with you now and throughout the coming year. Yours, My e-mail address is,
bill@ Rev. 12/19/04 |