Using Google Maps for public transit Your Orca card is good on King county Metro, Sound Transit, King County water taxi, Community Transit (Snohomish County), Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, Pierce Transit, Washington State Ferries walk-on passenger fare.
Notes: If you have a tablet computer such as an iPad, you can either use the app or the Google map website, at some time in the future. Your Orca card is good on King county Metro, Sound Transit, King County water taxi, Community Transit (Snohomish County), Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, Pierce Transit, Washington State Ferries walk-on passenger fare
Always have a backup plan in case you can not use your smart phone on the
road. Some times it just does not seem to work right, other times the
battery may be dead or you are in a cell phone dead zone. If I am going to
a new place, I try to carry a printout of my route with me that I can refer to.
Your backup could be as simple as stepping on the next bus you see and ask if
they are going downtown or where you can catch a bus downtown. Once
downtown, walk down to 2nd Ave and along 2nd Ave until you find a 554 bus stop
to take you back to Issaquah. Every 2nd stop should be a 554 stop.
Rev 9/21/15 |