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Google Search Notes

This is mostly based on an article in the June 2016 issue of PC Magazine.

Exclude something in a search using the (-) symbol.
Amazon fire -kindle
This looks for fires in the Amazon rain forest but omits Amazon.com's e-reader.

And/Or type search when you want to search on either or both words
Frisinger OR MacDougall
Returns results for either word or site with both.  The "OR" must be capitalized.  For comparison Frisinger MacDougall returns sites that use both words.  Note: Google normally ignores capitalization.

Exact phrases must be in quotation marks
"imagine all the people"
Without the quotation marks, you get sites that use these words but not necessarily in that order.

Math operations
sine 30 digress brings back 0.5
Cube root of 8 brings back 2 along with some background information.
2 to the power 2.90 brings back 7.464 which looks plausible
2*3 gives 6

100 us dollars to Canadian dollars gives 130.73
100 Knots per minute to feet per second squared gave 2.81

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