Non Genealogy
material of interest to Frisingers
(Freysingers, Frysingers,
Freisingers, or
Cathedral in Freising, the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Korbinian, the Cathedral of St. Mary in Freising. This is the
is the cathedral church of the
Archdiocese of Munich and Freising Translated to
English, or in German.
The panorama of the
interior is particularly impressive.

Freisinger Morgenröete (Morgenröt) Rose
Freisingerof HotelHof Hotel on the edge Munich. From a review "If you don't
to stay in the center of Munich or those hotels are booked, this is a
charming little hotel, just out of town. The rooms are small and Spartan
but with some charm. The real plus is the restaurant and beer garden."
Another mentioned good if you have a car.

Frisinger Cellars, Back in operation.
Freysinger Member of the Swiss Parliament as of 2015
Swiss Peoples Party (SVP) also known
as the Democratic Union of the Centre (UDC). A right wing Populist
party. He was active in the drive to ban minarets in Switzerland.. To
get Google Translate, click
HERE. Past the web site address in the
window. He is also an auther, The Nose in The Sun and Antifa. Antifa is
available in French from Amazon.ca (Canada). It would appear to be
available from bstbook-library.com but that is a scam site so stay away.

Galen R. Frysinger of
Sheboygan, Wisconsin a serious traveler and another descendent of
Ludwig. He has interesting information on
his forbearers and on
settlers in Pennsylvania in general.
Frysingerrinting SolutionsPrinting Solutions in Lansing MI, (517) 323-2420
FRYSINGER OIL (419) 227-1975 131 E Spring St, Lima, OH 45801. I
note this as this is near where my grandfather grew up.
FreisingerotorsporMotorsport A German company that races
Porsches in Germany.
They also sell cars and parts and do restorations. For their own
web site click

Dr. Eva
Freisinger Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at University of
Wolfgang Freysinger
Head of the 4D visual imaging group at the
Innsbruck Medical University, Austria,
Publications This is
imaging methods for surgeons.
Håkan Frisinger born 1928 and
CEO of Volvo between 1983
1987, Chairman of the Board from 1997 to 1999. The
Håkan Frisinger
Foundation for Transportation Research which gives out annual awards and
scholarships was named for him. The awards are about $40,0000 and are
given for outstanding scholarship in the field of automotive engineering
(not a scholarship to a premising student but rather for a successful
Anni Friesinger-Postma German speed skating champion,
click HERE
for her own web site (in German). Anni Friesinger
photo-shoot. Germany wins woman's
team pursuit speed skating gold at
Vancouver Olympics in spite of Anni falling during the semi-finals
against the USA. She won that race by sliding across the finish line
ahead of the Americans. Click
HERE for her Vancouver Olympic Bio. Click
for the Wikipedia article about her in German or
HERE for the article translated to English. She is now retired
from speed skating. She is definitely the most colorful Frisinger
I am aware of.
The story of Elizabeth Frisinger loosing her virginity may be even more
colorful but it apparently is a
Caspar Freisinger, 16th Century Bavarian

Christian Hubert Freisinger, Austrian artist.
Chamber Orchestra, an amateur orchestra based in Boston MA.
The conductor is Peter Freisinger.
Canyon: by Vickie L. Freisinger as told to Donald G. Bross is the
story of Freisinger's experiences living in a primitive cabin in
southern Colorado. Published in 2008.
History of Meteorology to 1800 by H. Howard Frisinger published
in 1983 by the American Meteorological Society and available on
The Freisingers with the most senic place to work,
Freisinger Bärenhütte |